"Opera for Your Soul" concert at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC

"Opera Italiana is in the Air" is sponsoring free open air concerts across Italy, and in Miami, Washington, and New York.  Their mission is to bring opera to everyone.  There are no tickets or dress codes, just opera, in its "purest form," said Alvise Casellati, the founder.  In addition to the open air concerts they also frequently perform in hospitals.

The June 1 concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington drew an audience of opera aficionados, diplomats (especially from the Italian embassy), tourists, and locals having a picnic on the National Mall.  Among the locals was a sizable group of hometown fans for baritone Anthony D Anderson who grew up in a poor neighborhood in Washington. When Anderson was young, his father was killed in a drive-by shooting, but Anderson overcame his sadness, when he discovered opera in high school. He is now on a mission to bring opera to others, especially to those from disadvantaged communities.  Anderson was delighted to sing at the Lincoln Memorial, standing in the exact spot where Marian Anderson sang 85 years ago.  In the audience were several of Anderson's public school teachers and family members.   

Opera is a 400 year old art form.  From its beginning it has been one of the most powerful tools ever used to uplift humanity and free it from oppression.  In 2023 the United Nations granted "Italian Opera Singing" the protected status of a World Heritage Culture. 


  • John Scialdone
    published this page in News 2024-06-04 13:33:35 -0400

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