12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156

🎼🎶 Friday, April 9, 2021
Between 1809 and 1820 Beethoven collaborated with the Edinburgh publisher George Thomson in the latter’s project to preserve and dignify the folk songs of Scotland, later expanded to include Ireland and Wales, all of whose cultures were in danger of being wiped out by the rapidly expanding British Empire. Beethoven composed an astonishing 179 of these folk songs, far more than any other genre, and his commitment to the project can be seen from the fact that the first package of manuscripts had to be smuggled across the English Channel and took two years to reach Edinburgh!
Here are twelve Scottish songs from the collection WoO 156: https://youtu.be/I44-cG3cJNc
To learn more, read “Poetry as a Weapon – How Robert Burns Beat the British Empire of the Mind”: https://larouchepub.com/other/2021/4809-poetry_as_a_weapon_how_robert_bu.html
Beethoven - 12 SCOTTISH SONGS - WOO 156
Beethoven - 12 SCOTTISH SONGS - WOO 156
  • John Scialdone
    published this page in Daily Beethoven 2021-04-09 10:55:14 -0400

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