Beethoven Septet, Opus 20

🎼🎶 Thursday, July 22, 2021
Beethoven’s Opus 20 Septet, composed in 1800 and published in 1802, was arguably the most popular of his works during his lifetime. It was frequently transcribed for different combinations of instruments, and in 1805 Beethoven re-worked it as a trio for clarinet, piano, and cello, and published it as Opus 38.
Beethoven apparently modeled his septet on Mozart’s D Major Divertimento (K. 334). Both works comprise six movements (one of which is a substantial set of variations) and share a similar musical style. 
Here is Beethoven’s Opus 38 Clarinet Trio, with score (the top line of the score is for optional violin).
Beethoven - Trio for piano, clarinet (or violin) & cello (arr. of septet, Op. 20), Op. 38
  • John Scialdone
    published this page in Daily Beethoven 2021-07-23 09:28:37 -0400

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