Sunday, May 2, 2021
Beethoven opens his "Sechs Lieder von Gellert" (Six Songs by Gellert) with "Bitten", which literally means to ask or beseech.
God, your goodness reaches so far,
As far as clouds float;
You crown us with mercy
And hurry to our aid.
Lord! My castle, my rock, my shield,
Hear my plea, listen to my words;
For I will pray before you!
"Bitten" ("Súplica"), Lied, Op. 48 /1. Ludwig van Beethoven
"Bitten" ("Súplica"), Lied, Op. 48 /1. Ludwig van Beethoven
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John Scialdone published this page in Daily Beethoven 2021-05-02 09:49:54 -0400