Perhaps the best-known of all F-sharp minor compositions is Haydn's "Farewell Symphony", which also has the unusual distinction of being the solution to a labor-management dispute between the Duke Esterhazy and his court musicians.
The Duke had just built a magnificent palace quite far from any major cities, and informed his musicians of his intention to extend the summer season for another two months. As it was already October, the musicians objected to the long separation from home and family, and took their complaint to the court composer, who wrote a new symphony to dramatize their plight: the finale suddenly shifted to an adagio, and the players left the stage by ones and twos, leaving only two violinists by the end. The Duke got the message, and the musicians were able to return home the following day.
Here is Haydn's Farewell Symphony:
Haydn Symphony no. 45 Farewell Symphony - Sinfonia Rotterdam/ Conrad van Alphen

Haydn Symphony no. 45 Farewell Symphony - Sinfonia Rotterdam/ Conrad van Alphen
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John Scialdone published this page in Daily Beethoven 2021-08-14 18:33:23 -0400