“I’ll Praise the Saints with Early Song”, is a woman’s song of thanks that war is finally over. The husband has returned home battle-scarred but alive, and she, though worn by long years of care and sorrow, can at last look forward to peace and domestic happiness.
I'll praise the Saints with early song,
For now the wars are ended;
I'll praise our Lady late and long,
That has my Love defended.
Yes, home is come my Patrick dear,
From me no more to sever;
And in his looks, I see it clear:
He loves me more than ever.
He sits our evening fire beside,
The cabin round surveying,
And looks with all a father's pride,
While near the child is playing.
Even me he turns to gaze upon,
As in my maiden beauty,
Before my bloom was worn and gone
By many a toilsome duty.
"My Love, he cries, thou canst not guess,
"Tho' kind and tender hearted,
"What I have known of sad distress,
"Since last from thee I parted.
"And little canst thou now suppose
"How my poor heart is swelling,
"To find myself at evening's close
"In this my peaceful dwelling."
And, true - his cheek is sallow now,
That once was bright and ruddy;
A fearful scar is on his brow,
The mark of battle bloody.
And oft in sleep disturb'd he seems,
While o'er him i am bending;
He makes the cross while in his dreams,
As if for life contending.
But happier hours are coming fast,
Sir Phelim - angels bless him -
Says Patrick Toole shall rest at last,
And nothing more distress him.
He grants a farm, with turf-ground near,
He grants a lease for ever;
And heaven will bless, I need not fear,
The honest heart's endeavour.
Beethoven: 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - 12. I'll Praise the Saints with Early Song

Beethoven: 20 Irish Songs, WoO 153 - 12. I'll Praise the Saints with Early Song
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John Scialdone published this page in Daily Beethoven 2021-04-26 10:13:11 -0400