On July 26, 2020, Matthew Ogden presented the second in the Summer Lecture Series on the genius of Wilhelm Furtwängler and the agapic nature of classical motivic thorough-composition.
Here is the full schedule for the Summer Lecture Series. Please share!
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Class schedule
Sunday, July 12th 4:30pm
Beethoven as an American Composer Class #1 by Fred Haight,
Sunday, July 26th 4:30pm
Conducting Between the Notes: Furtwangler by Matthew Ogden
Sunday, August 9th 2:00pm**
The Fight for the Verdi Tuning by Liliana Gorini
Sunday, August 23rd 4:30pm
Beethoven and his Compositional Method by My-Hoa Steger
Sunday, September 6th 4:30pm
Johannes Kepler‘s Harmony of the Universe by Megan Beets
Sunday, September 20th 4:30pm
Beethoven As an American Composer Class #2 by Fred Haight
** Liliana will be speaking from Italy, hence the earlier time