Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The second of Beethoven's Opus 18 quartets in G Major has earned the nickname "Compliments Quartet" or "Quartet of Bows and Curtseys".
Good-natured and full of surprises, it's performed here by the world-famous Amadeus Quartet.
Founded in 1947 by refugees from Hitler's Anschluss, the Amadeus Quartet retained its original membership for the next 40 years until the death of violist Peter Schidlof. First violinist and primarius Norbert Brainin was also famously a close friend of Lyndon LaRouche, whom he considered as more knowledgeable about music than he was! An interview with Brainin is linked here:
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John Scialdone published this page in Daily Beethoven 2021-03-17 10:01:43 -0400